Welcome to St. Cloud Heritage Quilter's Guild
We are a large group of quilters dedicated to furthering the love and art of quilt making. Through the guild you will find numerous opportunities and activities to grow in your love of quilting, share your talents, improve your skills, and make new friends who share your passion. We have put together this welcome letter to hopefully make you feel more comfortable and familiarize you with some of our quilt guild meeting activities and terminology.
Please check this website or our face book page for occasional meeting changes.
- Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00PM.
- Our meeting location is Love of Christ Lutheran Church, 1971 Pine Cone Road S. St, Cloud.
- Please watch the newsletter for occasional meeting changes.
Our meetings last approximately 2 hours with a business meeting, show and tell, break, and a program or speaker. Come to the meeting at 6:30 for social hour before the meeting starts.
Check in table: the first table you see when you enter is our membership/guest check in table. Have your membership card handy. You can sign up at this table to win a door prize when you come to the meetings.
Newsletter: When you become a member you will be asked if you would like your newsletter sent to you by email or mail. The newsletter is one of our resources for communication.
Website: our website can be found at www.stcloudheritagequiltersofmn.com. We also have a SCHQ Facebook Page.
Cloth name tags: Members are asked to make and wear a small cloth name tag to the meetings. This will help all the members know who you are!
Birthday fabric: Members are encouraged to donate fabric or items during the month of their birthday. Please label your donation with your name and birthday. There is a birthday table set up with small tubs to place your donation in. Members can then donate 25 cents per chance to win your items. (Money goes in the large tub with slit in it. Slips of paper with member’s name goes in the tub with the birthday fabric/items.) The money donated goes toward our rent. Feel free to donate on a different month if you forget or aren’t able to attend the meeting that month.
Show and tell: When you complete a project or quilt, we encourage members to bring it to the meeting and proudly show it off. This is always the best part of our meetings and very inspirational! Don’t worry if it’s your first project, something small, or seems simple. We LOVE to see them all!
Holders and folders: People who volunteer to hold and fold quilts for our speakers and for show and tell receive a fat quarter of fabric. Sign up at the check-in table at each meeting.
Service Project: Each year we have community service projects. Members are encouraged to participate by working with other members or alone to complete items for those in need. We have made Coborn’s Cancer Center bags, placemats for nursing homes, quilts for women shelters and veterans. We have worked on quilts for kids, the “Eagle’s Healing Nest”, Quiet Oaks Hospice Care, and many other projects in the past. Information is available in the newsletter and at meetings.
Small Groups: There are smaller groups that you can join within our large group that meet at different times and places. Information is available in our newsletter and at meetings.
Special Events: Throughout the year there may be classes offered, quilt retreats planned, or other activities which are offered to the group. Information is in our newsletter and at our meetings.