SCHQ By-Laws Revised in 1994, 2018
1. Name: St. Cloud Heritage Quilters (SCHQ)
2. Purpose: To preserve and continue the art of quilt making and quilt-related techniques by promoting appreciation of quilt making as an art form; and by providing support for one another through learning opportunities which include lectures, classes, programs at monthly meetings, exhibits, and a calendar/newsletter.
3. Membership: Membership in SCHQ is open to anyone who is interested in joining who pays the annual dues.
4. Board: Members of the Board will be elected annually at the October meeting and assume their duties January 1.
7. Changing By-Laws: By-Laws may be changed by the Board, but must be approved by a majority vote of the membership present at a monthly meeting.
SCHQ By-Laws Revised in 1994, 2018
1. Name: St. Cloud Heritage Quilters (SCHQ)
2. Purpose: To preserve and continue the art of quilt making and quilt-related techniques by promoting appreciation of quilt making as an art form; and by providing support for one another through learning opportunities which include lectures, classes, programs at monthly meetings, exhibits, and a calendar/newsletter.
3. Membership: Membership in SCHQ is open to anyone who is interested in joining who pays the annual dues.
4. Board: Members of the Board will be elected annually at the October meeting and assume their duties January 1.
- Length of term will be one calendar year; no more than two consecutive terms may be served:
- Elected Officers will include:
- President
- President Elect
- Program
- Program Elect
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Historian
- Newsletter Coordinator
- Small Groups Coordinator
- Special Events Coordinator
- Membership
- President
- The amount of the Dues will be set by the SCHQ Board.
7. Changing By-Laws: By-Laws may be changed by the Board, but must be approved by a majority vote of the membership present at a monthly meeting.
- In 2018 Program chair no longer becomes President the following year. Instead a President Elect becomes President the following year, and the Program Elect becomes Program.